Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR & Look back on 2013

Reflections back on Quilting 2013.
I finished 17 of my quilts -- bound, washed, and ready to use!!!!
And I bought 102.25 yards of fabric!!
Used 212.75 yards of fabric!!!  Yeh!
Which means my stash has diminished by 110.5 yards!!!!!
What is so sad is that I can't tell that any has been used.  I think fabric breeds like rabbits and multiples while we sleep.  Either that or there is a fabric fairy that doesn't want us to ever run out of fabric and replenishes our supply nightly!!!

2014 is not starting well -- It is January 1 and I just purchased 14 yards of fabric on the internet!!! But it for backgrounds so I can diminish my stash even further.  Does that excuse fly?????
I leave you with this little cartoon.  Hope no one got "plowed" last night!

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